Friday, March 25, 2011

Fill in the blank Friday

Friday, March 25, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. My most prized possession is _ All the photos of my family.

2. If I could be one age for the rest of my life, I would stay.. 30 , It's a nice mature age not to old not to young:)

3. The best way to spend a weekend is ... having picnic time with the kids

4. My outlook on life is that .... Live everyday to the fullest, live laugh, learn, and take NOTHING for granted!

5. If you want to annoy me, just ... talk really loud on a cell phone in public

6. I am completely defenseless when it comes to _ my kids begging and pleading.

7. When dressing for the day one should __ dress according to your plans, and be comfortable, and  stay true your style .

Don't forget to link up over at Lauren's!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

{one} scruffy or clean shaven?


{two} what’s your favorite sundae topping?

Hot fudge and peanuts

{three} do you own slippers?

Well I did until the dog decided to chew them up and spit them out!

{four} did you ever have a tree house?


{five} how you do relieve stress?

A hot hot hot bubbly bath

{six} what’s your favorite dr. seuss book?

The foot book, my kids thought it was sooo silly

{seven} have you ever taken dance classes?


{eight} which do you use more: the thesaurus or the dictionary?


{nine} what’s your favorite form of exercise?

Tae Bo (even though it almost kills me)

{ten} what’s the longest you’ve ever waited in line?

An hour, at a theme park

Don't forget to link up over at  Leigh Ashley's!


Monday, March 14, 2011

Breed discrimination

    Well those of you that know me , know that my very favorite breed in the world, is the American Pit bull terrier!
  You also know of my sincere hatred for michael vick( I did not capitalize his name on purpose, imo he does not deserve that respect!)
 Well one of his dogs that was rehabilitated and certified a therapy dog, one of the most adorable faces i have ever seen on a pit... Jonny Rotten, can no longer work with the children in the paws for tales program because they don't like pit bulls!
  Meanwhile, good ol mike vick (sarcasm) gets to play football and make his millions, when the dogs he owned and tortured still suffer to this day!

     Please spare me the mike vick pity parties, I don't care if people THINK he has been rehabilitated, ... the N FL commissioner makes me sick, for letting mv back in, like he never did anything wrong,
  And for those who support mv and claim to love the pit bull breed, read the book "The Lost Dogs"... Read the court documents, and the things that mv admitted to doing to those poor pitties,.. Half of his supporters do not even really know what he did... they think he just fought the dogs (as if that is not bad enough) they have yet to read about the torture he inflicted...


 And as for Jonny Rotten, I hope nothing but great things for this adorable little guy,

best wishes
bye y'all

Friday, March 11, 2011

Fill in the Blank Fridays

1. My biggest accomplishment in life thus far is : The four beautiful kids I have, each one has their own wonderful personalities, and differences...

2. My favorite place to sit in my house is:  On the recliner next to my hubby's recliner.

3. My fashion philosophy is : Be as comfortable as possible, even if that means not being very trendy.

4. Something every girl should have is: a signature perfume, one that defines you..

5. If you looked in my purse right now you'd find.... checkbook, makeup bag, brush, calander hand sanitizer,wallet, and that is about it...

6. My favorite music right now is : Any thing with a beat that makes you wanna get up and dance...

7. My favorite part of my body is: my    eyes.

Have a great weekend everyone :)

bye y'all

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Great Strides "Keagan's Knights"

Hi all... I do not have alot of followers but I do get about 5-6 views a day, so I am going to post here  too..

On May21 we will be letting our feet hit the concrete for our nephew Keagan!!! Yes thats right we will be participating in the " Great Strides Walk" To raise awareness and donations for Cystic Fibrosis...

Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease that causes thick, sticky mucus to build up in the lungs and digestive tract. It is one of the most common chronic lung diseases in children and young adults, and may result in early death.

  We need a cure, and we need it now... so please help!!!

I will post a link to the site where you can donate to our team, and also a link to Keagan's blog, So you can get to know our little guy ...

Please pass it on and share with everyone you know

and yes I know the walk isn't until May, but the early bird catches the most worms....

Thank you


bye y'all

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wee Bits

{one} what was your favorite sitcom growing up?

the a teamThe dukes of Hazard,

{two} what song always makes you happy when you hear it?

Bottoms up :).

{three} do you still have your wisdom teeth?


{four} what is your go to way to relax?

a very hot bath

{five} do you play any instruments?

No, tried to play the flute once... yeah didn't work out to good for me

{six} nude beaches: yes or no?

ummm in a word. NO

{seven} do you chew your pens/pencils?


{eight} can you change the oil in your car?

Why yes I actually can :)

{nine} can you curl your tongue?


{ten} can you knit or crochet?

yes, I can crochet just the simple chain

Don't forget to link up over at Leigh Ashley's!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Say What? Saturdays!!

         O.k so are Saturdays for some of is running around day. We all know that some places we do our grocery shopping or buy our fast food from, or mostly just anywhere we might have to stop, and get something done, on the other side of that counter is a customer service rep... so I thought it would be fun to do a blog on  Say What Saturdays...
    Put your favorite quote(s) from a csr from hell... or it might be a nice one (are there really any left?)
It could be a quote or an experience that happened earlier in the week ..... Here is mine

say what ?.....Saturday


So went to a fast food rest. and ordered through the drive thru... Lady says drive around
nobody at first window... drive to second window... Lady says  did you pay.. me : not yet....lady: well ma'am you are gonna have to put your car in reverse go to the first window and pay.


Friday, January 28, 2011

Fill in the blank Fridays!

1. If my house was on fire and I could only grab 3 things I would grab __My Kids, my pets, and of course my husband

2. A smell I really like is the smell of :Fresh laundry.

3. Something you might not know about me is __I have a phobia of elevators, and escalatores

4. Some of my favorite websites to putter about on are: Facebook, Ebay.

5. This weekend I will be : Grocery shopping, and doing mom things.

6. Nothing makes me happier than __Having a happy family!!!

7. A bad habit I have is : Smoking, I gotta quit ASAP!

 Don't forget to link up over at Lauren's

Support a charity

    It's easy! You do not have to give money to be a part in it.... just make people aware!... Find a charity to support, and give a shout out on your blog or facebook page, or you could send a dollar or two, give your faceebook friends a hey facebook friendsToday I am donating one dollar to the Aspca (or whatever charity you choose for that day)... if you have 300 friends and they all donate a dollar well do the math :) thats 300 raised in one day!!!:)

   Give it a try see how it works!!! leave me a comment and let me know how ya did!!

til next time
bye y'all       

Thursday, January 27, 2011

It;s been a busy month!!!

So now I have three causes to support, One Breast Cancer Awareness, Two, Cystic Fibrosis, Three Heart Disease
just  got back from an unscheduled trip to Mississippi, my dad suffered a massive heart attack, and had to undergo a quadruple bypass, bless his heart it has really knocked him for a loop!!! But we are all so blessed that he is still with us!!!
  The bypass surgery was so scary, when the nurse told me what would be happening, my knees nearly buckled!!!
 They actually STOP the heart to put in the new veins!!!... oh my goodness a five hour wait was no fun, then To have to see him afterward really broke my heart!!!, tubes everywhere, and he was on a ventilator so he couldn't speak even though he really wanted too!!! And the pain he must have been in, bless him... I hope he gets better real soon, its a long recovery process, and I do not want him to get frusterated....

I love you Daddy!!!

til next time

Bye y'all

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The new year... not off to a good start

Well 2011 starting bout not so great!!!

  I guess it could have been worse but, our house was broken into, and some of the kids most prized Christmas gifts were stolen!!! Yes some little street thug(s) not only burglarized us but also invaded our privacy, How dare you come into my home uninvited and steal what me and Greg work so hard to give our children... SHAME ON YOU!!!

   But it could have been worse!! What if we would have come home while they were still here? Oh my goodness I do not even want to think of the possibilities!!! They left most of our stuff alone, and only took what they could carry, and they did not vandalize anything which I am greatful for!!!
  I hope they realize what they did was very wrong and one day have a conscience...

I hope the rest of the year will be wonderful as I am sure it will be, Happy New year everyone!!!!

bye Y'all