Saturday, January 29, 2011

Say What? Saturdays!!

         O.k so are Saturdays for some of is running around day. We all know that some places we do our grocery shopping or buy our fast food from, or mostly just anywhere we might have to stop, and get something done, on the other side of that counter is a customer service rep... so I thought it would be fun to do a blog on  Say What Saturdays...
    Put your favorite quote(s) from a csr from hell... or it might be a nice one (are there really any left?)
It could be a quote or an experience that happened earlier in the week ..... Here is mine

say what ?.....Saturday


So went to a fast food rest. and ordered through the drive thru... Lady says drive around
nobody at first window... drive to second window... Lady says  did you pay.. me : not yet....lady: well ma'am you are gonna have to put your car in reverse go to the first window and pay.


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